The Society’s Heritage Resource
The catalogue of the Society’s Heritage Resource is now online.
The catalogue has been created in Microsoft Excel by members and will updated in this webpage from time to time. The recent October 2019 edition now contains almost 4000 items. To use it, you will need to have Excel in your own computer so that you can download the catalogue Excel Spreadsheet.
Depending on your browser, the download step may look different.
For Example for Windows 10 Edge there are two processes. First:
You must save the Excel file – click Save unless you want it saved to a folder of your choice.
Your most likely choice here is to ‘Open’ the file.
For later versions only the filename appears in the bottom left corner and clicking it gives the choices to save or open. Sometimes, this choice is not available and you are forced to save the file before you can open it.
for Internet Explorer, generally on older versions of Windows:
For Firefox:
For Chrome:
A standard Save box will appear.
Click on our Excel spreadsheet Heritage Resource Catalogue 2018 Spreadsheet to download the register with the 3972 items
The catalogue spreadsheet you have downloaded is “read-only” and therefore you will not be able to change in any way the original version in the website. However, if you create a different name of the spreadsheet file using the ” Save As” option in the “File” menu, you will be able to use all of the options in Excel like “Sort” and “Find”.