Friday Mornings @ Memory Cafe – Newport nostalgia and a cuppa courtesy of the Boughey Trust and historic photos provided by Newport History Society of regularly updated themes. These themes focus on events and activities that Novoportians have undertaken over the recent past and still in the memory of many of our residents. So come on down any Friday 9am-12noon and help us fill in the gaps in our with your memories. Voluntary contributions are welcomed.
Forthcoming Events
January to April 2022
Unless otherwise stated all talks start at 7.30pm in Cosy Hall. The cost is £2 for members and £4 for non-members
Tuesday 25th January – Talk: Starting Your Family History; Hints, Tips and Pitfalls by Helen Culshaw, Researcher. Helen’s professional use of search engines and 40 years experience of Family History research will be shared to help you get started on your own projects using on-line sources and original documents.
Tuesday 22nd February – Talk: Introduction to the historic Shrewsbury and Newport Canal Trust’s work by Chris Fikeis, SNCT. Watch this space for more details!
Tuesday 22nd March – Talk: 30 years at Shropshire Archives by Mary McKenzie, Archives Manager. Mary will explore the changes she experienced during her time working at the Shropshire Archives. She would also be interested to hear about your own experiences of research at the archives.
Tuesday 26th April – Talk: Ashes under Uricon: A Cultural and Literary History of Wroxeter by Roger White, Archaeologist and Art and Cultural Historian. Roger will share his latest findings about this ancient Roman city.
Join us in June and July for history themed walks – details will be posted here in the near future.