Comments and Complaints Policy
The main aim of the Newport and District History Society (NDHS) is to support the research, collection and sharing of the history of Newport, Shropshire, and its surrounding area. We do this by organising local meetings, managing the archives of historical material, hosting external speakers and working with organisations such as Victoria County History and Shropshire Archives to record and conserve the history of the town and key events. We are always keen to find new ways of developing support and advice to organisations and individuals wishing to undertake this important task. We welcome positive comments where you feel that we have gone the extra mile in advising and supporting your projects and to improve our support to individuals and organisations.
To make a comment please contact us via:
If you are not happy with the way we have dealt with you or how we have portrayed or shared an element of our work, we ask that, in the first instance, you try to contact the person who dealt with you or the topic involved. If you are unable to do this or it is unclear who to contact, please write to us via highlighting the nature of your complaint and how we might resolve the issue quickly (subject to the resources of our volunteer organisation.)
Formal Complaint
If you wish to make a formal complaint please write to the Secretary of the NDHS (details below) making it clear you wish to make a formal complaint. Your complaint will be investigated by a trustee nominated by the Chair. If it is upheld, you will receive a full apology and, where appropriate, be given details of any actions that will be undertaken by the NDHS to resolve the situation. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may request a further review. Under normal circumstances you should receive a response within 28 days of recent of your complaint. If the issue is complex, you will receive notification of why a delay is necessary and when you should receive a definitive response to your complaint.
To make a formal complaint please contact the Secretary through:
Complaints by Trustees
Similar procedures apply should a trustee have cause to complain; however, if the complaint is against the NDHS as an organisation, we may ask an independent person to investigate.