Eddowes’s Shrewsbury Journal 1858
Here is a snippet from the Eddowes’s Shrewsbury Journal in 1858 that relates to events in Newport in those times:
Charge of Assault – Thos Marsh, junior, was charged by Geo Brian, a vendor of oranges, with having assaulted him on Wednesday evening, the 7th inst., at Chetwynd End. Prosecutor stated there was a dance in a tent, in a field at the back of the King’s Head Inn. He paid 3d for his ticket for admittance. When he was selling some oranges to a person, defendant came to him and told him that he must go out, and threw his money into his basket, and then dragged him out. He again got admittance, and the defendant a second time threw him out, and tore his clothes. Defendant stated this upset some of the dancers and some parties came to him and complained of plaintiff being allowed to be in the tent, as he was not considered to be of proper character. He then went to him, and told him he must go out. He refused to do so with oaths and curses, whereupon he gave him his money and put him out. He afterwards was allowed to fetch some money out from one of the customers and would no go out again. He again put him out. Case dismissed.
Eddowes’s Journal, and General Advertiser for Shropshire, and the Principality of Wales was a weekly newspaper published on Wednesdays. In its later issues, the title is printed as Eddowes’s Shrewsbury Journal and Salop, Stafford, Worcester, Hereford, Radnor, Brecon, North and Mid Wales and Cheshire County.
The newspaper was conservative in its politics. It began as a four-page paper and grew to between eight and ten pages. An issue in 1890 cost twopence.